Should You Repair or Replace Your Broken Refrigerator?

27 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Even though refrigerators are strong enough to last for several years, you'll probably have a problem with yours at some point. Face it, even refrigerators that are well maintained have parts that eventually break, and when your fridge breaks, you'll need to decide whether you should have it repaired or should replace it. Take these things into consideration to simplify the decision process.

Age of the Refrigerator

Typically, refrigerators last about 13 years. However, this doesn't mean that you should have your refrigerator repaired if it hasn't lasted a full 13 years. You should consider replacing a broken refrigerator if it's lasted 10-plus years. If the fridge is less than 10 years old, you're probably better off getting it fixed, unless the cost of the repairs exceed the cost of a brand-new refrigerator.

Type of Refrigerator

You might think it's odd to consider the refrigerator type when you're trying to determine whether to repair or replace it, but some refrigerators last longer than others. For example, if you own a refrigerator that has a top freezer, you should consider having it repaired as long as it's less than three years old and replacing it if it's seven-plus years old. But, that's not the case with side-by-side refrigerators, especially models with built-in ice makers. You should consider replacing your side-by-side refrigerator if you bought it new five years ago or longer. If you have a refrigerator with a bottom freezer, you should have it repaired if it's less than seven years old, and built-in models should always be considered for repair.

Energy Efficiency

The fact is, older refrigerators aren't as energy efficient as newer models. This is something that you need to take into consideration when you're trying to determine whether you should repair or replace your fridge. The more energy your refrigerator consumes, the higher your utility bills will be. By replacing your older refrigerator with a new, energy-efficient model, you could save between $35 and $300 per year on your utility bills.

Ultimately, the decision to repair or replace your broken refrigerator is completely up to you. As long as you take the time to consider your refrigerator's age and style. Then, contact a local refrigeration supply company so that you can compare the cost of the repairs to the cost of a brand-new fridge. With a little research, you should be able to easily make your decision and move forward.